Sunday, January 8, 2012

For God sake can any one tell me what is this stain of the original sin every one has?

Am I after six thousand years still guilty of eating that damn apple? I dont even like apples for Christ sake. Now if it had been a kumquat or a watermelon I had to atone for?

For God sake can any one tell me what is this stain of the original sin every one has?
youre so hot betty!

ignore this original sin nonsense

i asked a christian the other day, is a poor african child, born with aids cos his parents had it, whose parents are now dead, whose gonna die before becoming an adult, i asked, is this child born a sinner?

the christian answered yes

i mean, seriously...
Reply:g'day mate

i was born there but have lived in england most of my life

youre USA im guessing? Report It
Reply:There is no original sin.It's the Christian faith.As a muslim,you are responsible for your own sins.If there was a original sin Adam %26amp; Eve should held resposible. Muslims believe they repent and God had forgiven them.

If there was a original sin why did God waited six thou..yrs to cleanse our sins.
Reply:I know what you are saying, but the bible tells us because of Adam's disobedience sin was allowed to enter the world and so it is still here. We as a result of Adam's disobedience are all born with a sinful nature, like it or not that is the way it is. The scriptures say "even by the act of one (Adam) all are guilty of sin BUT by the act of one(Christ) all can be forgiven". The scriptures also say "God is willing that none should perish" that is why He sent His Son to die on the cross and pay the price for the sins of mankind" it goes on to say "for it is by grace you have been saved through faith and not that of yourselves, it is a gift of God". God loves us and seeing us in our dilemna provides a solution, we just have to have the faith to believe and trust Christ after repenting of our sins. If we accept Christ we now have His blood applied to our sins as God has asked us to do and we can now once we die spend eternity in God's presence in heaven. To refuse God's gift we will not be able to go in His presence with unforgiven sins and therefore will spend eternity in hell. It comes down to the individuals choice. And yes pride can get in the way and we say no way I can't buy that if I go to hell I'll be there with all my buddies, that my friend does not improve the situation one bit. The word hell is spoken of more times in the Bible than heaven is, God is trying to warn us, it is a place of total darkness and eternal suffering. Hope you will think about it, if your pride does'nt get the best of you take a look at the book of John in the New Testament, Cheers!
Reply:b bop b boop

Chill out and drink apple juice, and you won't feel so guilty.
Reply:That would be death. That's the stain we all inherited from our first parents.
Reply:Don't worry you were born in pure form and there is nothing such as original sin. Adam %26amp; Eve ate from the forbidden trea. They both repented and God forgave their sins. Sin of one will not carry or transfer to another. When man commits sin, he is sinning his own soul and not that he gets his genes altered or gets something like virus get into his body to transfer through blood. It is the Justice of Merciful God not to punish one for other. He knows the heart of every soul.
Reply:Why don't you shut up and stop acting like a 90 year old wench who pissed her life away.
Reply:I like your avatar.

Original sin is to remind us that often we are driven by our own selfishness and petty desires to commit acts of evil on each other.

Since everyone does cruddy things to each other we are all guilty of sin. What we do to each other we do to Christ.

The idea is to keep us on our toes and to remember not to place our faith in our leadership, people, but in the Lord God.
Reply:The concept of original sin is pure rubbish designed to make people feel guilty and buy into the whole redemption thing.

Each of us is responsible for what we do, not for what someone else does. I had nothing to do with what my ancestors might have done, and I refuse to feel burdened with guilt for it. Likewise, my great grandchildren will have no guilt for anything I do.

Now, if it was MY kumquat you ate.......... you'll pay missy.
Reply:You may have it and others I do not know and honestly don't care. I do not have it and never did.

If you even believe a tiny bit of that nonsense then you do have it.

No people are not born with it. It is taught by those around us. Yes they keep trying to convince me and the more they try the more I know it is from man and not any god.

Religions are creations of man to control the masses. As a social animal we have to have rules to live by and religion was created for that reason. Time has distorted religions so badly they nolonger are of benifit to man. Most now teach hate and greed.
Reply:The stain of the original sin has to do with Adam and Eve's disobedience of eating the apple. That disobedience is the original sin. Since we are all of Adam and Eve, we have inherited THAT original sin....
Reply:the original sin is every complex its really multiple sins if you look at it. greed (wanting more, the ability to know good and evil) envy (wanting what someone got, wanting to be like god) gluttony (eating more then you need to survive, adam and eve did NOT eat the fruit because they was hungry) lust (they realize they was naked) pride (sewing fig leaves together for covering) wrath (adam accusing eve is a form of wrath, eve accusing the serpent is the same) the only sin that i cant fit in is sloth(over sleeping or being lazy) but what did adam and eve have to do in the garden? nothing, no work or anything so that could be sloth i guess.

adam and eve was committing sins before they even ate from the fruit from the tree of knowledge!!!!!!!! greed and envy

also the serpent never lied!!!!!

adam and eve's eyes were opened and they did realize good and evil. the serpent told the truth! god lied and said that if they eat it they will die.

so if i say eat a potato chip or a french fry, or an apple for that matter and if you do eat this you will DIE. then you eat it and you dont fall dead on the spot then i am a liar.

if i say if you consume cyanide, you will die. well you drink it guess what will happen!!!!!!!! it wont happen 800 years later

god lied satan told the truth and the proof is in YOUR holy bible

read genesis again!! and if you disagree send me an email to further discuss this PLEASE
Reply:I noticed that you took God's name in vain twice, just asking a question. Maybe that's a start for you to understand.
Reply:in our human development we when trough a very superstitious phase... like worrying about eclipse... like putting virgins into volcanoes... that's called superstition... early leaders noticed if they used superstitions to scare the people that they could gain more power through fear... so then comes religions.... it wasn't god leading it... it was humans... back to the original sin...

Some smuck along the way decided the mysteries of death was a good threat. so they see death itself as a penalty or punishment... we know that death is simply part of the natural cycle of life.. So their god is telling them we are punished because we die,, or he is all powerful because we die.. or some stupid thing like that.. the point is he is not all powerful... death is was and always will be... we shouldn't believe that he could prevent it thus leaving us free to live while we are here without his empty threats...
Reply:God gave you the right to sin, and if you do - you die.

But, God came back and gave you the right to be forgiven- He died as a man(Christ) to attone for your sins, if you believe that your God died for your sins - you have eternal life, else eternal death.
Reply:Anyone with half a brain knows there has never been anything wrong with eating an apple.
Reply:No you silly dolly!

You ate Gods Pizza and you best buy one back, the stain on your left butt cheek gave it away.

lol xxx
Reply:Romans 5:19 says, " By one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." The apple itself is not important. It was that choice to disobey God that has affected all mankind. Your perceptive is not thinking like one who is God's child. Otherwise, you would not focus on the stain, but on the Way that was made to remove that stain, Jesus Christ. I'm ashamed for you on how little you think of the Lord that you have to curse Him in your statement. That's evidence enough alone that your stain has NEVER been removed. But it can be, if your heart changes.
Reply:Think of it as the opposite of evolution -- devolution!

Humans told God to take a walk, and not to stop. He obliged and took his protection away from us. The fact that Adam passed a deadly contagion onto us all so that we all get ill and die, was done with hope. Those that exercise faith may have hope of being restored to what Adam lost.

There are several pages dealing with the issues raised here:



Evil-Why? Why does God permit evil things to happen?

Why do the wicked seem to flourish?


Direct links:
Reply:The question that makes you say, "Hmmmmmmm"
Reply:Supposedly we're all born with it. Must be genetic!
Reply:Settle down. As a Christian I believe that the Bible is one giant metaphor. I have the gift of common sense and logic, so I agree with you that it is ridiculous that we are still suffering from the Adam and Eve days. Believe whatever feels right to you.
Reply:religeen is de poor mans opium and de rich and wize men use it to manipulate the masses of idiots to do uspeakable crimez

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